New York to Havana


Departure Flights
DailyDepart New York JFK 12.45 a.m.Arrive Havana 2.10 p.m.
Depart New York JFK 9.00 a.m.Arrive Havana 10.20 p.m.
Returning Flights
DailyDepart Havana 6.10 a.m.Arrive New York JFK 10.45 p.m.
Depart Havana 3.10 p.m.Arrive New York JFK 7.20 a.m. ( next day)
One way FareEconomy Class$660 USD$660 USD
Business Class$1154 USD$1154 USD
Round trip FareEconomy Class$519 USD$519 USD
Business Class$2308 USD$2308 USD


All flights operate via Mexico City.

Pricing is based on seat availability. As the plane fills up, the price goes up.

High season pricing is $30 USD more per person.


Checked luggage allowance:

Economy Class – 2 pieces of 50 lbs. each piece

Business Class – 3 pieces of 50 lbs. each piece

Not included:

Phone for an accurate quote on taxes

Airplane: Boeing 737



Departing Flights
DailyDepart New York JFK 9.55 a.m.Arrive Havana 7.09 p.m.
Depart New York JFK 3.05 p.m.Arrive Havana 1.10 p.m.
Returning Flights
DailyDepart Havana 3.40 p.m.Arrive New York JFK 12.35 a.m.
Depart Havana 6.24 p.m.Arrive New York JFK 3.45 a.m.
ClassAdult Child
One way FareEconomy Class$660 USD$660 USD
Business Class$1154 USD$2308 USD
Round trip FareEconomy Class$519 USD$519 USD
Business Class$2308 USD$2308 USD

All flights operate via Panama City.

Pricing is based on seat availability. As the plane fills up, the price goes up.

Travel on weekends is $40 more


Checked luggage allowance:

Economy Class – 2 pieces of 50 lbs. each piece

Business Class – 2 pieces of 70 lbs. each piece

Business Class – Star Alliance Gold – 3 pieces of 70 lbs.

Not included:

Phone for an accurate quote on taxes

Airplane: Boeing 737