Vancouver to Havana


Departure Flights
DailyDeparts Vancouver 11.39 p.m.Arrives Havana 2.10 p.m.
Returning Flights
DailyDepart Havana 6.10 .m.Arrive Vancouver 10.05 p.m.

One way Fare Economy Class$914 CND$871 CND
Round trip FareEconomy Class$839 CND$784 CND

Checked luggage allowance:

Not included:

Phone for an accurate quote on taxes
Airplane: Boeing 737

Monday, Wednesday, SaturdayDepart Montreal 11.50 p.m.Arrive Havana 1.20 p.m.
Tuesday, Thursday and SundayDepart Havana 2.20 p.m.Arrive Montreal 9.33 p.m.

Economy:One Way:$934 Cdn.
Round Trip (up to 21 days):Tuesday, Thursday$1086 Cdn.
Sunday$1166 Cdn.
Business Class:One Way:$1659 Cdn.
Round Trip (up to 30 days):Tuesday, Thursday$1611 Cdn.
Sunday$1691 Cdn.

Pricing for longer durations is available upon request.

It is now possible to do an open jaw ticket with Air Canada, combining flights into/out of Havana, Cayo Coco, Holguin or Varadero with one of the other Air Canada Cuban destinations.

Not included: